



  • Ayako Makuuchi, Yasuhiko Takemoto, Ikuji Shimazaki, Hiroki Namikawa, Masanori Kobayashi, Shigeki Kinuhata, Noriko Kamata, Hiromitsu Toyoda, Yoshihiro Tochino, Mina Morimura, Taichi Shuto. Concurrences and Differences between Faculty Staff and Standardized Patients in the Assessment of Medical Students in the Post-Clinical Clerkship Objective Structured Clinical Examination : Osaka City Medical Journal. 2018;6
  • Hiroki Namikawa, Yasuhiko Takemoto, Ikuji Shimazaki, Ayako Makuuchi, Masanori Kobayashi, Shigeki Kinuhata, Koichi Yamada, Hiroki Fujimoto, Hiromitsu Toyoda, Noriko Kamata, Yoshihiro Tochino, Isao Teramoto, Niichiro ABE, Mina Morimura, Hiroshi Kakeya, Taichi Shuto. A 47-year-old Filipina with Taenia Asiatica as the Imported Infection in Japan: A case report: Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018
  • Kinuhata S, Takemoto Y, Senda M, Nakai S, Tsumura E, Otoshi T, Hiratani S, Fukumoto K, Namikawa H, Tochino Y, Morimura M, Shuto T, Uchimoto S. The 1-min animal test as a mental status screening examination in patients with diabetes. Asia Pacific Family Medicine. 2018;17:6
  • Uehara S, Sato KK, Koh H, Shibata M, Kinuhata S, Yamada A, Oue K, Kambe H, Morimoto M, Hayashi T. The association between metabolically healthy obesity and the risk of proteinuria: the Kansai Healthcare Study. Journal of Epidemiology. 2018 Apr 7
  • Namikawa H, Takemoto Y, Shimazaki I, Makuuchi A, Kobayashi M, Kinuhata S, Yamada K, Fujimoto H, Toyoda H, Kamata N, Tochino Y, Teramoto I, Abe N, Morimura M, Kakeya H, Shuto T. A Case of Imported Taenia asiatica Infection in Japan. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018;22;71(2):170-171
  • Makuuchi A, Takemoto Y, Okamura H, Nakane T, Namikawa H, Fukumoto K, Kobayashi M, Kinuhata S, Morimura M, Hirohashi K, Hino M, Shuto T. Favorable effects of motivational interviewing and support in a patient with schizophrenia and alcohol abuse. Journal of General and Family Medicine. 2017;13;18(5):271-274
  • Namikawa H, Takemoto Y, Namikawa H, Takemoto Y, Umeda S, Kobayashi M, Kinuhata S, Kamata N, Morimura M, Hosono M, Kakeya H, Shibata T, Shuto T. Recurrent high fever due to intestinal bacteria-associated bacteremia. Clinica Infectious Diseases. 2017; 65(10): 1763-65
  • Namikawa H, Takemoto Y, Kainuma S, Umeda S, Makuuchi A, Kobayashi M, Kinuhata S, Isaka Y, Toyoda H, Kamata N, Tochino Y, Hiura Y, Morimura M, Shuto T. Addison’s Disease Caused by Tuberculosis with Atypical Hyperpigmentation and Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Internal Medicine. 2017; 56: 1843-1847
  • Shibata M, Sato KK, Uehara S, Koh H, Kinuhata S, Oue K, Kambe H, Morimoto M, Hayashi T. Blood pressure components and the risk for proteinuria in Japanese men: The Kansai Healthcare Study. Journal of Epidemiology. 2017;27(11):505-510
  • Namikawa H, Takemoto Y, Makuuchi A, Kobayashi M, Kinuhata S, Morimura M, Ikebe T, Tanaka H, Shuto T. Disseminated carcinomatosis of the bone marrow from pancreatic cancer: a case report. BMC Cancer. 2016; 16(1):801
  • Uehara S, Hayashi T, Sato KK, Kinuhata S, Shibata M, Oue K, Kambe H, Hashimoto K. Relationship Between Alcohol Drinking Pattern and Risk of Proteinuria: The Kansai Healthcare Study. J Epidemiol. 2016; 26(9):464-70
  • Yamada A, Sato KK, Kinuhata S, Uehara S, Endo G, Hikita Y, Fujimoto WY, Boyko EJ, Hayashi T. Association of Visceral Fat and Liver Fat With Hyperuricemia. Arthritis Care Res. 2016; 68(4): 553-61
  • Kyoko K Sato, Tomoshige Hayashi, Shinichiro Uehara, Shigeki Kinuhata, Ginji Endo, Keiko Oue, Hiroshi Kambe, Kunihiko Hashimoto. Relationship between Cigarette Smoking and the Risk of Proteinuria in New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Men: 2015;6:1
  • Sato KK, Hayashi T, Uehara S, Kinuhata S, Oue K, Endo G, Kambe H, Fukuda K. Drinking pattern and risk of chronic kidney disease: the kansai healthcare study. American Journal of Nephrology. 2014; 40(6):516-22
  • Kinuhata S, Hayashi T, Sato KK, Uehara S, Oue K, Endo G, Kambe H, Fukuda K. Sleep duration and the risk of future lipid profile abnormalities in middle-aged men: the Kansai Healthcare Study. Sleep Medicine. 2014; 15(11):1379-85


  • 並川浩己、竹本恭彦、竹重友美、奥幸子、幕内安弥子、福本一夫、小林正宜、衣畑成紀、豊田宏光、鎌田紀子、栩野吉弘、森村美奈、首藤太一。看護学生1年生に対する情報通信技術を活用した事前授業とシミュレータ演習を合体したブレンド型授業導入の試み:日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 2017; 40(4): 192-194
  • 森村美奈、今中基晴、渡部公彦、吉村知穂、衣畑成紀、富永和作、津村圭、廣橋一裕、石河修。心身相関のモデル 過敏性腸症候群女性に配慮した過敏性腸症候群の診療: 日本心療内科学会会誌 2010; 14(2): 112-117

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